The first thing to know about material differences is that “Clear Acrylic” and “Clear Styrene” is not the same thing and should not be interchangeable. Be aware, many companies may not advertise the type of material. This should be a red flag in the consumer’s minds. It would be to your advantage that you request samples from other companies to ensure you are receiving the same quality product you are requesting (Be aware, many companies will say "Acrylic" when in actuality they are providing you with "Styrene").
It is difficult to visually tell the difference between styrene and acrylic products although their properties and price points are quite different.
The following is a brief list of the major differences and what it means to you as the consumer.
Types of Material Available
Clear Styrene (More Affordable Option)
Oxygen Icon Box
More Rigid
Oxygen Icon Box
Lighter In Density
Oxygen Icon Box
Comes with Smooth Frosted Edges
What It Means For You:
Oxygen Icon Box
Holds it's Shape Longer
Oxygen Icon Box
May Save Money in Shipping Since It Is Lighter In Weight
Clear Premium Acrylic (Higher Quality Option)
Oxygen Icon Box
A Little Flexible, but not as flexible as PETG
Oxygen Icon Box
Heavier in Density
Oxygen Icon Box
Can, and should be Flame Polished on Edges
Oxygen Icon Box
Less Susceptible to Scratches
What It Means For You:
Oxygen Icon Box
More Resistant to Snapping
Oxygen Icon Box
More Sturdy Product
Oxygen Icon Box
Shiny/Professional Look
Clear Extra Strength PETG (Most Durable Option)
Oxygen Icon Box
Most Flexible
Oxygen Icon Box
Very Lightweight
Oxygen Icon Box
Comes with Smooth Frosted Edges
Oxygen Icon Box
Virtually Unbreakable!
Oxygen Icon Box
Fully Recyclable
What It Means For You:
Oxygen Icon Box
More Durable Display
*** Please note, injection molded displays (1 piece units) are generally made of clear styrene and not acrylic due to the higher cost of acrylic resins. ***
Where To Find Help?
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Our customer service reps are more than happy to help you in determining what display is right for you and your business.